What makes me a Melbournian?
Melbourne is one of the most vibrant and cultural places in Australia.
The things to do and the people you see are ones you wouldn’t do or see anywhere else in the country.
What I like about Melbourne is that it’s different from other areas. In the centre you have the big city but not far out from it you have the suburbs which go out to country.
I like Melbourne because they’re a lot of things to see. I like Melbourne because of the events, the theme park, the people and the way we have such a rich and vibrant culture.
What makes me a Melbournian is what I do in Melbourne.
I live here, for one, but I also go to school and have a life here. Melbourne is my home.
I am also a Melbournian because I like many other people and like the city itself accept people for who they are. Our city is full of culture and there are new ways of seeing things from different people’s points of views that have come from all around the world.
I’m also a Melbournian because like most people I have individuality. Because without that art, fashion, buildings etc, would all be the same and those couple of things seem to be what Melbourne is famous for.
I’m a Melbournian because I live here, I travel through the place, I see and interact with other Melbournians. I live in Melbourne, I eat in Melbourne; I sleep in Melbourne, because Melbourne is my home.
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